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I stitch a great deal of patience, energy, love, and joy into my quilt designs. From the initial consultation to final production, I create them to be your companion. As a child you may have had a security blanket – the soft feel of the fabric and familiar colors, textures, and smells provided a safe escape in times of trouble and a comfort in the solitude dark nights. Now that we are older, we sometimes find ourselves longing for those days when we could cling to something tangible to comfort us. Just as beads enable a monk to focus on meditation, so can a healing blanket help you to focus on your own inner self, to find healing, within yourself.

Check out my store on Etsy for the small items you see here.
"Just to say, what a great comfort your quilt has been during my convalescence! During my time in the nursing home, especially, it was a ray of sunshine, showing the path back to my life."
- Steve

I would love to hear from you via email at Please feel free to check out my products and services if you are interested in purchasing a quilt, totems, placemats, or any patterns, books, or materials.